
Silverback Protein Clear Lemonade Protein

€21.95 (EUR)
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Published By Silverback Protein
  •  LocationNetherlands
  •  StatusIn stock
  •  TypeNew


Silverback Protein does it again! The first plant-based preworkout eiwitlimonade zonder caffeïne met minimaal dezelfde kwaliteit als whey proteine, maar dan vegan en zeer makkelijk verteerbaar.

Maar dit is zoveel meer dan alleen eiwit, lees snel verder. Je kunt ze ook per 3 potten met 10% korting en zonder verzendkosten kopen.

Zie ook de blog van wetenschapsjournalist Willem Koert.

Silverback Protein does it again! The first plant-based lemonade protein drink with the same high quality as whey protein, but vegan and very easy to digest.
But this is so much more than just protein! Read on below to find out how.

Do you want to boost your NOx often and do you want in bulk? Then check out our bulk offer !

See also the blog of science journalist Willem Koert.

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